What Does Your Favorite Fragrance Say About You?

perfumes and essential oils

Similar to your color, style, and flavor preferences, your choice of fragrance is a form of self-expression that asserts your individuality. There’s an art to selecting a fragrance you’ll love, and when done mindfully, it allows you to craft and emanate a specific mood or vibe.

People often have a psychological connection with scent, and associate their friends and loved ones with it. Even a subtle whiff of leather or vanilla can trigger a deep emotional response or evoke a powerful memory. 

Not quite sure what your go-to fragrance is? It helps to learn more about what your favorite notes are. This article provides examples of common fragrance notes, their scent category, and the unique personality traits associated with them.

Have fun experimenting with different scents and discovering what your favorites say about you!

Fresh Scents: (lemon, pink grapefruit, bergamot, mandarin, eucalyptus, green tea): You have a zest for life, and a spritz of a light, invigorating eau de toilette keeps you on your toes. Youthful, playful, and energetic, you can be sassy at times and enjoy standing out from the crowd.

You are often on the go and seek unique experiences. Traveling and outdoor adventures are a few of your favorite pastimes. Your to-do list is huge, but somehow you manage to get it all done!

Floral Scents: (jasmine, rose, magnolia, lily of the valley, gardenia): Do florals make you want to frolic in a field of daisies? Then you are a social butterfly who is upbeat and carefree. People are drawn to your warmth and positivity, and you often make new friends easily. Your nurturing personality also makes you great with children. You are flirtatious and long for romance. 

Woody-Earthy Scents: (sandalwood, tobacco, cedarwood, pine, patchouli): Steady and grounded, you have a deep connection with nature. Your innate sensuality paired with your distinctive smoky scent give you a captivating and mysterious allure. While you are mostly humble, you have a slightly materialistic streak and are known to splurge on expensive items. You seek stability and certainty, and thrive on structure and routine. 

Oriental Scents: (vanilla, amber woods, cinnamon, heliotrope, orange blossom): Your go-to oriental perfume is known to linger on the skin, and the same is true about you! Vivacious, seductive, and passionate, you make a lasting impression on others and are seldom forgotten. You have a flamboyant style that includes intense colors, bold jewelry, and luxurious fabrics. You have a flair for drama and enjoy being entertained. 

Now that you’ve learned each scent has its own distinct personality, which one do you think suits you best? Which are you most attracted to? As you can see, the scents you gravitate towards can reveal a lot about you!

Ready to start shopping for your perfect fragrance? Browse our selection now .


10 Fragrances You Can Wear All Year Long